Developing Professionalism

You may have heard this advice a lot in life: “Try to be more professional”. What does developing professionalism mean? A simple google search will tell you that it entails the conduct, behavior and attitudes of someone who is engaged in a business environment. It sounds vague as it reveals nothing about the components of professionalism nor about what you as an employee can do to display it. In this article, you will find out simple action points to look professional.

Before delving into the ways for developing professionalism, it is essential to know the characteristics of a professional person.

Characteristics of Professionalism


A professional person can be identified by appearance. They usually look presentable, follow the dress code of their profession or their workplace and are sincere and disciplined. Such individuals appear calm and serene, seldom losing their self-control. They also display friendly and non-hostile body language by smiling and maintaining eye contact.


Professional people are often highly competent in their work life. They spend time and effort in building strengths and abilities to excel in their domain of work. You will observe that professional people constantly update their knowledge so that they do not lag behind in their work.


Professional people are mostly found to be ethical. They do not engage in such practices that demeans the name of their profession. For instance, a professional doctor would never place a his or her monetary gains over a patient’s life.


Professional individuals never shun from accountability. They know that they are responsible for what they do. In case of any mishap or error, they come forward and accept their mistake and also device a plan to rectify the same.

Emotional Intelligence

Professional individuals have high emotional intelligence. They are aware of their emotional states and can regulate their emotions. As a result, they do not behave impulsively. Emotional intelligence is also useful because it allows them to empathize with their co-workers. Try the MAGICS framework for developing emotional intelligence.


Professional individuals are highly resilient. They do not spend much time grieving over past mistakes. Rather they are quick to return to the normal state and start afresh.

develop professionalism

Developing Professionalism

Now that you know what a professional person looks like, you will find it easier to be one. However, you may still find it difficult because the characteristics are abstract. Here are some actionable points to develop professionalism.

Be Punctual

While many professions demand unique skills to be called professional, this is common across all jobs. You need to be on time. This is because punctuality shows that you value your job. In addition, if you are a good time manager, you will be rated even more positively.

Be proactive

You need to be proactive to develop a professional image. Take initiatives and communicate with your team why that initiative will be fruitful. People who are proactive are usually rated positively.

Avoid unethical practices

Stay away from unethical and dishonest practices because they will definitely tarnish your image. This is extremely important for developing professionalism.

Be an effective communicator

Communication is one of the most important soft skills for success. This is because you need to let others know your ideas. One way to be an effective communicator is to communicate frequently. Also, avoid making false and unrealistic promises.

Be resilient

Being resilient is key to a number of positive organizational outcomes. You need to bounce back as soon as possible after adversity. This is important as it is a sign of healthy emotional regulation.

Be emotionally intelligent

Brushing up your emotional intelligence is always a good idea because it will enable you to self-analyse. You will have a better control over your emotions. In addition, you will be able to assess the emotional state of those around too. This is will you empathize with them and be great at people management.

Be a problem-solver

You will appear professional if you can think differently. This includes creativity and innovative thinking. If you can think outside the box, you will be looked up to in your workplace. You may read several books on problem-solving to sharpen such skills.

Stick to deadlines

Just like punctuality, sticking to deadlines is also very crucial. If you are able to deliver on or before time, you will have an excellent professional image. In addition, it will also communicate that you are a man or woman of your words and that people can rely on you.

Never bully others

Many people bully their co-workers who are different from them. While some people may think it is funny, it is not. If you want to be professional, never indulge in such bullying and harassment.

Do not gossip

It is fine to take tea breaks and chat with your colleagues. However, do not use these breaks to gossip or spread rumors. Although you may appear to be an outlier initially, in the long run, people will respect you for this.

Avoid giving personal excuses

At times, it may be difficult for you to manage both your work and your family. You may have to go to your child’s annual function or take your mom to the doctor. However, try not to cite personal reasons as an excuse for not meeting your deadlines.

Aim for perfection

An employee who does all the work perfectly is always treasured. You will appear professional if you can meet all you duties with perfection. However, do not let your perfectionist instincts rule you. Optimize time and perfection.

Invest in relationships

Your aim to be professional might tell you to focus only on your work. However, such an orientation will lead to burnout. You also need to invest in social relationships and workplace friendships for balanced work life.

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