PESTLE Analysis Example

PESTLE analysis is a strategic management technique that can be used to evaluate and assess the risks outside the firm. Let us see a PESTLE analysis example to learn how to do this analysis. PESTLE Meaning The word PESTLE is an acronym consisting of the different aspects of this analysis. PESTLE analysis is a strategic …

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organizational change

Organizational Change

Organizational change is a complex process of transition. This article is a guide for students,managers and leaders to be skillful in executing change.

4 Ps of the marketing mix

4 Ps of the marketing mix: a beginner’s guide!

The 4 Ps of the marketing mix summarizes entire marketing. Usually, your first encounter with the 4 Ps happens during the very first week of your MBA. We explain what are the 4ps of the marketing mix in simple and easy language. Follow along to get an overview of this simple yet powerful concept. Moreover, …

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What strategy means?

What strategy means? a simple explanation

The word strategy is quite common in our daily language. However, it is an important business concept. Therefore, we have compiled the list of definitions of strategy. Subsequently, we have provided a simple explanation of what strategy means. Origins: what strategy means for the military Strategy as a concept originated in the military. The word …

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Taylorism Management

FW Taylor was one of the first proponents of a theory of management. He proposed four principles of management. Read about its pros and cons here.

transformational leadership

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is one of the most effective styles of leadership styles worldwide. In this article, you will learn about how to be one.


What is Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is a higher-order cognitive process. Know about the different theories and strategies of problem-solving in this article.

Autonomous consumption

Autonomous consumption: prime driver in bad times

What is Autonomous Consumption? Autonomous consumption definition The consumption that is independent of the level of income is called autonomous consumption(AC). It is also known as exogenous consumption. Apart from the bare necessity for survival, it may also include payments towards loans and other obligations. The counter to this type of consumption is induced consumption(IC) …

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