10 things to do during COVID-19 lockdown

COVID-19 is hitting humankind hard. Most of us are unable to engage in a lot of our daily activities. Staying back at home can be boring and exhausting. If you are working from home, you might be experiencing Zoom fatigue (tiredness accompanying prolonged meetings via video calling software, especially Zoom). Here is a list of 10 things you can do alone at home without your gadgets.

Sleep: Most of us hardly get enough deep sleep in our working days. Covid-19 has given you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stay back at your home. Utilize this time to get 7-9 hours of undisturbed sleep.

Get enough sleep
Sleep like a kitty

Clean: Maintaining good personal hygiene is desirable for both physical and mental health. Use this time of self-isolation to clean and re-arrange your home. Clean the refrigerator, your cupboard, mop the floors, wipe the furniture, sanitize doorknobs. This will not only keep you engaged but also help reduce the risk of getting the disease.

“By asking some employees to not come to office, our goal is to reduce density and risk for everyone else,” – Andrew Macdonald, Uber

Pamper yourself: This might not be the best time to go out and pamper yourself in parlors and salons. Try out home-made face packs, hair masks, pedicures, and manicures. Most face packs and hair masks can easily be made at home with ingredients that are already there in your cupboard. In case you do no know how to make one, you can always read online blogs or search on YouTube. Your body deserves extra attention and pampering.

Pamper yourself

Practice meditation and yoga: Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many paid Android Apps for yoga and meditation (like Downdog and many others) have become free for a limited duration of time. Try them out. Yoga and meditation will also boost the immune system and improve overall health and fitness.

Re-visit old photo albums: Take a walk down the memory lane and have a look at old photographs. Looking at pictures of your family and close ones can really cheer you up if you are anxious. You might also share special photos with your friends and family and use it as an opportunity to re-connect.

Re-visit an old photo album

Call an old friend: Our busy lives hardly allow us time to have a conversation with school and college friends. We tend to distance ourselves and lose connections even if we do not want to. Since COVID-19 has made most of us confined to our homes, you can call your old friend because he or she is also likely to be home. Cherish a long conversation with your loved one. This also helps reduce the stress associated with the fear of the disease. Sharing your emotions with someone is a catharsis.

Read a book: The hustle-bustle of our busy life hardly leaves any time for reading. Now is a good opportunity to grab a book and read. In case you do not have any unread book, you can download the Amazon Kindle App and purchase an e-book and start reading in no time.

Read a book to pass time

Write your journal: This seems a bit preachy but try it out: writing about your emotions and thoughts helps us get things in perspective. COVID-19 has caused widespread fear and anxiety. Writing will help you acknowledge your fears and thereby reducing anxiety.

Cook a meal: For those who enjoy cooking, this time of isolation is a great opportunity. In case you do not enjoy cooking, you can still do it to pass the time. Call your mother and get her secret recipes! In case you want to try out different cuisines you can always look up online.

Lastly, wash your hands! The World Health Organization recommends washing hands for at least 20 seconds after touching any frequently touched surface, before eating meals and after using the washroom. Also maintaining a social distance of at least 1 meter with any other person reduces the risk of getting COVID-19.

Wash hands with soap to prevent COVID-19
Don’t forget to wash your hands!

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