Knowledge management is not a new concept but it is often overlooked in the world of Management. However, we have seen that knowledge management has gained a lot of traction. Here we look at different knowledge management quotes.
Knowledge management quotes by professionals
“Knowledge management is a bit like travel insurance- you only wish you had it when it is too late” – (O’Neill, 2009)
“There is less to fear from outside competition then from inside inefficiency, miscalculation, lack of knowledge. Beat your competitors with the knowledge edge! Train your staff! – Anonymous
“Knowledge Is power, but has little value unless it can be easily accessed and put into practice” – Melany Gallant
“In today’s environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it.” Joseph Badaracco
“Knowledge management is something many companies are sure they need, if only they knew what it was.” –Mary Lisbeth D’Amico
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”-Benjamin Franklin
“knowledge itself is power” – Sir Francis Bacon
“knowledge management is a means, not an end” -Bill Gates
“Too often, people think of knowledge management as a noun. They’re mistaken: KM is a verb, a way of getting work done.” –Jeff Angus
“Knowledge is in groups — not individuals.” – Larry Prusak
“In short, knowledge management is retrieving the right information, for the right people, at the right time.” –John Yuva
“Put knowledge where people trip over it” – Carla O’Dell
Quotes on KM by academicians

“Embodiment of knowledge in our daily lives and activities as well as active
“Management of knowledge resources not limited to IT support” (Zhang, 2008)
“understand, focus on and manage systematic, explicit and deliberate knowledge building, renewal and application – (Wiig, 1997)
Knowledge management leads to innovation which in turn leads to firm performance – (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2018)
“Explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of creating, gathering, organizing, diffusion, use and exploitation which requires turning personal knowledge into corporate knowledge” (Skyrme & Amidon, 1997)
“Knowledge … had always been seen as applying to being …almost overnight came to be applied to doing… and became a resource and a utility” (Drucker, 1993)
“Knowledge has become the resource, rather than a resource” (Drucker, 1993)
“Value creation from upcoming Technologies like I will come either from application of knowledge or development of knowledge” (Mishra & Pani, 2020)