Eco computing

Eco Computing – 3 simple methods

Eco computing is about reducing the impact of computing on the environment. However, are we not saving the environment already by replacing physical services with digital? Why do we really need eco computing in the first place? Also, how can organizations benefit by switching to eco computing?

Environmental Sustainability in Business

Environmental Sustainability in Business

Business is all about providing value to the customers. In some form or another, all businesses use natural resources to create value. Even service industries consume electricity. They also have other carbon footprints on the environment. However, the way, we are doing business, we are exploiting our planet. Our world may get irreversibly destroyed if …

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Amazon Corporate Social Responsibility

Amazon Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview

We’re living in interesting times. There’s a massive transformation going on towards sustainability. In this article we shall take a closer look at Amazon corporate social responsibility programs. It is essential for larger companies like Amazon to establish themselves as sustainability leaders. This would encourage smaller firms to follow the suit.  Amazon – the largest online marketplace  Amazon was founded in …

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