Our philosophy
We at MagWe believe that management as a profession has immense implications for the society. Firms generate wealth for nations. However, contemporary managers are expected to balance economic development with the greater common good of humanity and the environment. It is paramount that firms are run not just efficiently but also with a humanist approach. We at MagWe are trying to help create this balance. We are providing a knowledge platform. A platform for conversation and exchange of ideas. Please follow our author guidelines to submit a proposal.
Quality focus
We encourage you to understand our expectations before you submit your proposals for articles. Here are some guidelines:
Originality | This is utmost important. All articles published on MagWe pass through stringent plagarism check. If you derive your work from work of others, please cite it or link to it. |
Novelity | We prioritize on upcoming topics like corporate sustainability, industry 4.0, challenges of contemporary workplaces, etc. |
Insight | What are insightful articles? Articles that enlighten you, an article that makes you question or articles that make you rethink your way of doing things. |
We have readers from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of expertise. We don’t expect all our authors to have decades of experience in the industry or to have published multiple peer-reviewed articles. However, we do hope that the authors have relevant industrial or research experience or both. This ensures the quality of conversation for our readers. Skills that are required to create insightful articles include creativity, conceptualization, pontification, and explanation.
Author guidelines

Please check out our articles to get an understanding of the kind of pieces we publish. Our articles typically run between 800w to 3000w. We prefer long-form content. There is no word limit. However, if your article is more than 5000w, please consider splitting your article into smaller articles which have a common unifying theme.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12pt
- Images: minimum resolution of 500px. Only use original images of royalty-free(commercial reuse license)
- Margins: 1″ on all sides
- Page size: A4 or Letter(US)
- We prefer hyperlinked references. Otherwise, you can use footnotes/endnotes reference styles like Chicago.
- Use of rich media is encourages: try to use audio, infographics, videos, GIFs wherever relevant.
Submission process
It is highly recommended that you submit a proposal for your article. An overview of your topic, sections, conflicts, questions, and resolutions can be succinctly provided. You may also provide a short author bio in 200w or so. Please include your credentials and previous publications. The page limit for proposals is 1 page. Additionally, you may also propose content in rich formats like infographics, memes, presentations, and videos.
In conclusion, we are seeking articles that are original, well researched, and delightful to read. If you think, you can write an awesome article for us or create infographics, memes, or social posts, please get in touch. We will be happy to help you. If you want any additional information which is not present in this author guidelines, please write to us.
Please drop a mail with your proposal for an article to the editor at editor{at}